Monday, September 09, 2013

Would you rather have AIDS or die from eating McRibs?

I was searching online for McDonald's McRibs and I stumbled upon a website article asking the question above. It was rather shocking to me to compare McDonalds to AIDS. I know McD is not really healthy, but this writer interviewed some people to ask if they would rather have AIDS or McRibs. Out of curiosity, I had to read the entire article. Some comments were funny too: "fuck you vice and vice staff mcribs are delicious ask a fat person instead of these gaunt dickless squares"

Have you tasted the McDonalds Chicken McRibs?
I haven't. But, I have seen it. It was drenched with sauce! My family says it is quite good.

I have tried the Pork McRib in Trier, Germany. It was sweet. Give me a filet-o-fish anytime!

If you miss the Pork McRibs, here is a recipe to DIY:

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