Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Twang

My tutor, the pharmacist tells me, "You occasionally have a Scottish twang when you speak."

I must say, my accent is completely Rojak now.. A little bit American due to the months spent there, Malaysian, Scottish and now, British - the west side.
Jumbled indeed!

First week at Boots was an eye-opening experience. It was definitely a lifetime opportunity to work with them and to learn things I would never learn if I were return to my homeland. A bonus for me would be the two pharmacist in charge, the dispensers and healthcare assistants, who were really dedicated to their job and passionate about helping others.

One thing though:
I used to work in a restaurant 7 days a week and I swore I would never want to be a waitress ever again as I don't see myself standing on my feet for the entire day FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Lol behold, I am entering a profession where standing is the only way to get the job done!
The four modules to qualify as a home carer

The cert I received from passing the test

Maybe one week is too early to say much, but so far I AM SATISFIED :)

Whats up next week:
The first e-test, Having to read up on all the inhalers as I'm going to counsel patients on how to use it,  and more dispensing.

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