We were there at 12.00pm. Not exactly the right time to be flying a kite, as the sun was up and shining brightly.
I'd give two thumbs up to the park as it was very clean, and it had a breathtaking view of KL city(A good place to watch fireworks).
It wasn't really smooth sailing while flying the kite. Trying to get it to stay up in the air was torture, as the wind was not strong enough.
I looked on with envy as there were other kites flying sky high while we painstakingly try to make ours go higher. Heh.. I'm blaming the wind, but it was just the lack of skills ;p
After many failed attempts, I resorted to asking a little kid who was flying his kite sky high at ease. He took our kite, walked slowly, while the kite 'magically' floated up to he sky. I was in awww..
When it was 3pm, it started getting breezy and our kite finally stayed up!
We had rojak and cendol for tea at Tamana Melawati.
That was the adventure for the day... resulting in us getting sun-burnt. I'm lobster red now ;)
Jade! :D I've been reading ur blog secretly hehehe. high 5 girlfren! im finally a nuffnanger. haha...
set up a chatbox jade! :D ive always been lazy to drop a comment that's y been quietly reading ur blog :P
Terri has been "reading secretly"??? huh?
awww secret admirer? nice!! :)
btw, where is tat park? it looks so nice..
Super sexy stalker :P
Right Jade? curi ur nick
jade, where u hilang to?
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