Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Lately, I've been getting up early and going to uni at 7am.
Its sort of like a 'building momentum' for the coming semester.
But, there has been one side effect: Tiredness

Waking up at 5.30am leaves me drained by 4pm.
When it's almost 4pm, my brain is like completely shut down, I can still talk, but it will be nonsense.
The words that come out from my mouth, does not tally with what I actually wanna say in my mind.
Basically, 4pm = brain dead... and when I close my eyes, I can realllly just fall asleep.

I just need a 15 minute nap at 4pm to rejuvenate.... But, the past few days does not allow myself that  much needed luxury, I have been out from dawn to dusk!

This got me thinking about how I'm going to survive the coming sem. One solution: Nap time in the library..

What I know is that I'm feeling really drained. I aced my insomnia project, so I feel like a pro at it, trying to diagnose the type i'm currently having...  ;)
I should not wake up so early tmr...
and I should really go to bed by 9.30pm

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